Unlock the secrets to a healthier, more balanced life

Join the Journey Starting November 4th, 2023!

Embark on an incredible path of mind-body wellness and discover the power of simple yet game-changing shifts.

Are you ready to unlock a lifetime of well-being like no other? 

Enter your information below and brace yourself for an unforgettable adventure!

Meet Renee Renz

I did not live in my body.   

My normal state of being was a headache centering around my left eye, nausea, a neck which ached so much it hurt to hold up my own head, motion sickness and vomiting.  So, I would mentally leave my body and function without connecting within to the day to day on-going pain.  I would push through each day, simply to start over again the next.

When my children were young, I realized if I could not care for myself, how could I care well for them?   What type of example was I setting?

This was the start of my holistic health journey and discovery of the power of choice, becoming aware and claiming my home – my body.  

I started with opening my awareness of current patterns and shifting my products and habits. First by  reading food labels, understanding real food, finding local food sources; second by connecting with my body with Tai Chi, breathwork, meditation and yoga; as well as becoming aware of underlying emotions and habit patterns; and even tuning in to my body’s natural cycles and their connection with the rhythms of nature.  

Now I am living in my body.  I am aware of the impact my choices of what I put in, on and around me have on me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I seek out products from companies with true heart and compassion for the planet and people.  I am increasing my resiliency and embracing the setbacks and ultimately - I Enjoy the Journey. 

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